Normal Life--What Is That Like?

See this satellite picture? It's an image of my mortal enemy, Tropical Storm Ernesto.
For three weeks, I've been on excellent behavior, taking care of my 87-year-old mother and entertaining her with day trips all over the tri-state, playing cards, visiting family, making her life HAPPY. All this was done concurrently while working full-time as well as blogging and trying to keep up a social life (unsuccessfully). I could handle the multitasking as long as I knew there was an end in sight, that the day would come when life would return to normal.
Each night I would fall into bed exhausted from huge, napless days of cleaning (she likes a very clean house) and cooking, but I kept going knowing life would soon return to normal. The day would come when I could speak on the phone again without 20 interruptions, come and go as I pleased, eat when I wanted, turn on the air conditioning in 84-degree weather, or use Tide instead of Wisk without consequences. And that day was August 30, 2006 at approximately 1 pm EST.
Now Ernesto is messing up my plans. My mother may not be able to leave here for days. I love her, but I need my day-in-day-out life back. Today.
Ernesto will pay. Or at the very least, the Weather Channel will pay. Someone's taking a dive for this.
A lot of people feel better when the blame the weather on politicians. Maybe you should give it a try. It couldn't be any worse than octopus chips.
I'm not a very political person, Eric, but I'm going to give it my best try:
Tropical Storm Ernesto is all George Bush's fault and the entire Republican Party. No, wait! What have the Democrats done to stop this storm?? Nothing, nothing I tell you! Both Democrats and Republicans alike stink and should be all skinned alive!
I'm starting a protest, and anyone who wants to join, come on along. We can make a difference!!
How was that, Eric? Too strong?
Hmmm Mr. Fabulous (still in 4th place--so sad). You might be on to something there ...
Zed (#1 place--yeah me!)
i hate to tell you this, thus reaffirming your plight with your mother, but i don't think the airlines will be flying to florida tomorrow. better check.
life's unfair sometimes. poor Zed.
I watched teh Weather Channel and things are looking better. There's still hope, Zed. Don't give up hope! ;)
I was wondering if Ernesto would mess with her/your plans.
WE are supposed to get a cold front out of Ernesto here. That means instead of it being hotter than Hell it will be just as hot as Hell. I will take it though.
Mel, I just heard on my new favorite channel (The Weather Channel) that your state's next in line for TS Ernesto. I wouldn't worry about this one too much though. I think TWC's just going to milk this one to death. :)
(Thanks for stopping by. I saw you over at Doctor Mom's!)
Yikes!!! What did you ever do to deserve this Karma?
DANG IT!!!! I just saw that Fab wrote the same thing...
I may turn demented or deranged if this continues!!
Actually, since Dick is a politician, I think it's his fault.
The storm is Dick's fault??
Sounds reasonable to me!
I told you your mother would stay longer.
Yeah blame Dick. Is Ernesto the one that's threatening to soak me on Saturday whilst I tailgate at the Penn State game? If so, fuck Ernesto, he sucks.
nobody, don't make me turn violent.
Everything is Dick's fault, Mainline Mom. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.
Mr. Fab, I don't curry favor with Doctor Mom. Why she's simply the bestest, most wonderful Doctor Mom in the whole entire world forever and ever and ever. Amen. And I just happen to be in #1 place on her Regular Cul-de-Sac Guest list.
Me? Curry favor? Huh?
Like my children, I treat all of my guests with much love and equality!
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