I Should Star in a Commercial!

Thanks to me this foul-tasting, horrendous product has become a favorite of men, women, children, animals, insects, fish, and inanimate objects EVERYWHERE, and the makers of amazingly awful Clamato Tortilla Chips, Poore Manufacturing, Inc., can thank me for their increased business that's so hard to believe because their product tastes like clam sawdust and has made dozens, no hundreds, barf.
So what if I hate this stuff? What's your point, Teri? :)
I should star in a commercial: "Don't clam up when it comes to Clamato Tortilla Chips."
I can't understand why Poore Manufacturing hasn't reached out to me yet or sent me some sort of residual. Could it be because I warned a couple of people to have Pepto-Bismol handy when in the presence of Clamato Tortilla Chips? What could it possibly be?
Also, you should get some cash from the pepto bismal people and barf bag manufacturers! Really, the endorsement possibilities are endless! Can I be your agent?
Somehow, I think that the same folks who produced the bagged spinach in California got ahold of the Clamato Chip manufacturers and there's going to be an announcement in the media soon!
Just wait! The ER has been very very busy!
Mel, you're so smart! I'll sign you on at the standard 15% agent fee!! :)
Really Doctor Mom. Well, perhaps I should withdraw my association with them.
Clamato who?
I have NO point, sis. I know you love harassing people with this crap and it makes for good posts.
keep it coming.
I'll send you off some Pepto...
I find it hysterical that I have to come back each hour and reread your posts because you change them all the time.
I know. Taht's the problem of being an editor. You can't stop yourself from editing yourself. It's impossible.
I have never heard of that product. At least you aren't getting really weird references like "shaved antelope coughing". I mean, what does that mean???
Ha! Lynda, what HAVE you been writing about? :)
Amy! You're back! I hope you had a good trip.
Every in-the-know person has heard of Clamato Tortilla Chips. To say you've never heard of them is like saying you've never heard of cheese or Fluff. You've heard of Fluff, right???
Sis, you are the first one to enlighten me on these chips. Had never heard of them before.
I should have put in a smiley face--I knew it. :) I was only teasing Amy. Truth is, I never heard of them before mid-August when I went to a party and there they were. In all their ugliness. :)
They just sound horrible. Yuck!
I would love for them to come out with a new line
Zed Chips
What flavor would you pick Zed?
something with zest!
maybe Pickled Herring??
hmm. What flavor?
Zed's Hot Chips
Zed's Fluff Chips
Zed's Pizza Chips
Zed's Red Pepper Chips
Zed's Cucumber Chips
You could become a shareholder Jen. We'll make millions!
Maybe we can do a survey and get chip name suggestions... Tomorrow's post!
how do you find out the google/blog thing?
Poore Bros have a product feedback page Here They also ask for new flavor suggestions...Yay!
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