Where'd Y'all Go, Bloggers?
I don't know if it's the cold weather, winter doldrums, football, or what, but so many bloggers are missing from their blogs. 3/4 of my "Click Here ..." entries in the sidebar are missing.
Maybe it's the rapture and I've been left behind. (I really, really, really hope not.) Or maybe you are all busy counting pennies in jars and closets after having overspent at Christmas. Or maybe, just maybe, you are off on vacation in the Bahamas for a couple of weeks.
Dale, of Passion of the Dale, just came back to blogging, and now everyone has left. Huh ... maybe there's some significance to that. Even Sans Pantaloons, who is the most prolific blogger and commenter I know, is missing.

See those poor people above? They are looking for you all. Why else would they be standing around a scrubby bush with pamphlets and maps in their hands, with looks of confusion and sorrow? I see sorrow and TEARS! Oh yes I do.
Please someone, post. It's so lonely out here in blogging world.
Hello Zed, just popping in for a cup of tea, and a chat.
I've been bad about posting. I'm gonna get my ass in gear soon!
Yeah, it's Sans! I was really worrying about you. Earl Grey tea OK?
Chris, you also have been missing. Get that butt moving! :) I do miss you when you don't post--so do zillions! :)
BeckEye, when the game's over, it's time to post, missy. Sunday? Word typing. :)
Earl Grey will be fine, although I do prefer Lady Grey, Earl Grey's elegant cousin.
Would you care for some toast Zed?
I have some Lady Grey! The water's about to boil. If you're making toast, may I have whole wheat toast, if you have it?
(I'd never heard of Lady Grey until about 3 days ago, when I went through my tea collection, and there it was. Never knew!)
Anyone else want tea?
Yes please. And if I could think of a single interesting thing to blog about I'd do it!
Everyone's hiding in that bush or on Facebook I believe or they just really hate your tea!
No one hates tea, Dale. Don't be silly. It has to be Facebook. Yeah, it's Facebook's fault.
Down with Facebook!
I'm make you some Earl Grey tea and give you some animal crackers. Betcha can't get animal crackers on Facebook ...
Honestly, it really is facebook's fault. all of my bloggers are on there and some of them still do post, every so often.
I came "this close" to signing up for Facebook. Then, when I saw all the personal questions they asked to become a member, AND when I realized I couldn't sign up with my Zed name rather than a real name I thought, nah!
So here I am blogging alone. Maybe I'll finally get to posting here as if it were a diary. I still want to share what's been happening in the last few years--even if I just share it with myself. :) We'll see.
Thanks, Teri. You're a good friend.
you don't have to use your real name. one of my fellow bloggers still uses her blogger name
Catherinette Singleton
and they leave her be.
also, you are in control as to what people see or don't see.
I just read an online article that Facebook will delete accounts that contain fake names (if I find it, I'll post the link). So maybe your friend has been exceptionally lucky by not being found out. I can try that. I'm thinking the first name might be something awful such as Hazel, Clarice, or Ethel (but those are really very LOVELY names for those with those names; they're gorgeous names! lol).
I'll need to work on something equally awful or worse for a last name.
Thanks for the info, Teri.
I'm sorry to break this to you, Zed, but the rapture has taken place, and you were left behind. I'm in heaven right now, and all the bloggers on this page are up here with me except for Chris and Teri. They didn't make it either, but of course we never expected they would..
I hope your having a good time in Heaven, Joe. Say hi to Mama Zed for me. I miss her.
... I'm rather surprised you're taking this so well...
.. being eternally damned and all ..
No, Joe, I'm not eternally damned just yet. It hasn't even been confirmed that you're in Heaven. Am I supposed to take your word for it? I'm going to ask my sister--she's been there for over 6 years.
Besides, God likes me. He really likes me. He told me so.
Did you say hi to Mama Zed for me?
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