It's Canada Day!

It is home to Molson beer, Canada Dry (maybe?), moose (meese?), bears, otters, the Toronto Blue Jays, a few hawks and eagles, a big church with a kazillion steps, Tim Horton's (get your coffee here folks), the good view of Niagara Falls, birthplace of Celine Dion (sad), and beautiful and breathtaking in Jaspar and Lake Louise.
We Americans love Canada. Especially since they haven't invaded us yet (even though Tricia insists they have...). And the Royal Mounties--cute!
What are you bringing to the party? I've got
my map of Canada (above)
a Canada goose or two
Tim Horton's coffee
a signed 4 x 5 of Celine Dion

I'll bring more goodies as the party progresses. We're gonna have fun! List what you are bringing (food, living people, dead people songs, historical items, poetry, etc.) in the comments section.
It might just be a rumor, but someone told me they're bringing RUSH. How cool is that?

Well, you know I will have to bring my Hubby, some fish and chips, and plenty of clearly Canadian drinks!
He would like to bring the stars of the Red Green Show, because he rolls like that. And Sum 41 for those who like a more current rock sound :)
I'm bringing some TimBits..
and some Molson XXX
oh and Jim Carrey
mel, I already have Ranger Gord here.
I'm also bring Paul Schaeffer.
In addition to Molson and Labatt's, I'll bring my pals Bob & Doug McKenzie and their dog, Hosehead. Just don't tell Brewmeister Smith, OK?
I'm gonna bring Michael J. Fox and a friend of mine who lives in the Toronto area.
I found two of the most handsome and well-built mounties out there--and they're riding their horses! Someone, pass them some Molson.
I've also got Celine--she insisted on showing up. Sorry!! Maybe she'll sing??
i can't find any special foods that are Canadian, so I said, oh, what the f#$$, i'm bringing clamato tortilla chips so canadians can delight in the flavor. lol
I've got the entire Canadian Soccer Association and it's members in tow. We're rockin' now!
Hey, I have some distant relations in the Toronto area, I'm bringing them as well. We'll be the hit of the party being Irish and all. okay, I don't really drink but they probably do, I'm bringin them.
Good times, Mom!
I'm bringing my Friskies Turkey and Cheese dinner. Sorry I don't have anything Canadian to contribute--I'm too busy with my new job as Editor in Chief of Forbes magazine. May I still stay even though I don't have Canadian stuff? Please?
Thanks Teri! Do they have kilts? Tell 'em to wear 'em.
RUSH is just getting on stage. Wahoo!
clamato tortilla chips so canadians can delight in the flavor...
right on Jane!
did someone say they are bringing all the hockey teams? if not, I'm bringin them as well. and their wives and kids. and the fans.
jen, if canadians don't know the delicious, mind-boggling taste of clamato tortilla chips, they must learn. it is god's will. lol
and of course we
also must invite them
to taste the Clamato JUICE
Nectar of the Gods..
nothing washes down those
tasty chips better than
an ice cold tall glass
Zed.. you have clamato on hand .. right?
I have 24 bottles of Clamato Juice in my kitchen cabinets. A few even have pieces of clam in them. Yummy!! I'll break some open.
we're rockin' and rollin' now. does anyone know if canadians rock and roll? LOL
zed, can we do Brazil Day next week? we can dance like the wind.
What You're Doing!
Go Professor!!
Gawd, I love front row.
Brazil Day? Ay carmba!! Yes! Let's do it!
How'd you get front row tickets, mixednut? I thought they were all sold out! Bummer for me, great for you!
I'm going to try Calmato juice and Black Velvet, so get an ER nurse to standby...
I've brought a tanker of Black Velvet to drink and a tanker of Baked Beans for rubbing upon the (preferably naked) body or eating upon the toasted bread if that is your choice. I'm wearing a Fat B'stard suit (honest it's not me. I am available for the rubbing of the baked beans immediately!
Baked Beans for Rush will make this set explosive!
I'm bringing the entire city of Vancouver. As a general rule I hate big cities. So far Vancouver is the most beautiful large city I've seen, and the only big city that I would actually live in.
Sans, I have 911 on alert. Do you want the Clamato Juice with or without the clam pieces?
You are sooo right sushiboy! It's a city, but not. I love it! Bring as many people as you want!
Have some Clamato Juice and Clamato Tortilla Chips? Or would you prefer a Molson?
Sorry Zed, I had a bean crevice emergency. Clamato with clam pieces please!
You've got it! I'm putting extra clam pieces in your glass.
I'm telling you, be careful with those beans! And then there's the stink factor, since they make everyone so gassy! Whew!
There's too many people here..not enough beans to go around...
Sum 41 guys Deryck, Brownsound, Cone and Stevo are all doing the naked bean thing over in left field. I'm trying to get to Rush but their minders are too big. Great sound though!
Verdict on Calmato & Velvet; MEGA,
Going to call the cocktail a Black Sea Tomato.
I think I hear Hugh Jackman and Celine Dion giggling in the rose bushes?
Michael J. Fox loves the Black Sea Tomato...
I'll get Sans to pass you my stub.
Get on up here!
What do you mean 1/2 ice ... more like 1/2 water! LOL
Mel if you're bringing Sum 41 you'd better bring Avril Lavigne too since she's married to the singer of Sum 41.
Ok along with all the stars and bands that I listed in the work up to the party I'm bringing some Canadian Cheddar, the boys from Trailer park- Bubbles, Ricky, Julian, Mr. Lahey and Randy as well as Alex Lifeson from Rush since he hangs out with the trailer park boys.
Oh and Chris is seeing if the guys from Saga can come too. He played on stage with the drummer Steve Negus a couple of years ago so we have an in there.
Yes we have clamato torilla chips here, thanks. But I'll have some now since you brought some Jane.
Oh did you know that the popular Drink- the Casaer was invented in Canada? The best Tomato juice, Clamato Juice and Ketchup is made by a Canadian company called Heinz.
I brought a Molson Canadian, and a Labatt's blue transport truck to the party and guess what they are full of? Oh and a couple of cases of Crown Royal (that's Rye) for those you prefer good liquor.
Sans the beans, oh the beans! {Tricia passes out}
Oh I forgot .. one of the guys from April Wine lives on the street behind me ... I'll go knock on his door and see if they'll come to the party ... and the guitarist from Gotto lives a few blocks away too maybe I can get Gotto to come.
While I'm at it I'll see if I can get Loverboy, The Matthew Good band, Chilliwack, Nickleback, The grapes of Wrath, Trooper, 54-40, Byran Adams, Skinny Puppy, Swollen Members, Nelly Furtado, Susan Aglukark, Daniel Lavoie, Tom Cochrane, Randy Backman along with BTO and the Guess Who with Burton Cummings, Bif Naked, buffalo Springfield and Robbie Robertson of course, Crash Test Dummies, Harlequin, Terry jacks might sing his one hit wonder Seasons in the sun for us, Neil Young, Great Big Sea, Sarah McLachlan and Anne Murray, Finger eleven, The spoons, Junkhouse, Teenage Head, Bedouin Soundclash, Sarah Harmer, the tragically Hip, Moist, Helix, Alanis Morissette, Bruce Cockburn, Ronny Hawkins, Barenaked ladies, Ron Sexsmith, Shania Twain, The Band, Cowboy Junkies, The Government, I mother Earth, Nash the Slash, Our Lady Peace, Rheostatics, The Tea Party, Aldo Nova, Men without Hats, Sam Roberts, Colin James, The Northern Pikes, Wide Mouth Mason, and Joni Mitchell.
Do you think thats enough bands to keep the party hopping? I think we could go till Sunday at least. What d'ya think?
Oh and of course I'll bring a whole troop of Mounties to secure the gates and keep an eye on things.
Oh yeah and just for Mr. Fab the Pursuit of Happiness is coming later tonight.
mixednut, that's the greatest thing ever! Thank you SO MUCH!
Please move aside everyone, I'm sitting up front! Yahoo!
Wow Tricia--you know everyone and everything Canadian. I KNEW you and Chris had to be here! Here's some more Black Sea Tomato--drink up! Tricia, please get up off of the floor.
Sans, I love your new concoction. I think it's going to be a HUGE hit!
OK I am having too fun, Who knew where the mounties had their maple leaf tatoos??? WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
My Word verification was flosap! Ha! Blogger must know about the Canadian party!
This party is HUGE!, Everyone is calling it Zedstock...
I'm gonna write a song about it!
History is being made Oh Aghhh, I just caught me a glimpse of a Mountie tattoo... I need more dirnk....hic..
[Trish climbs out of the barrel of rye]
Parrrrtyyyyyy *hic* ... *Uuuup*
Zedstock!!!! I luv it. Don't drink the green mushrooms ... or wait ..what was it? Don't smoke the purple mountie tatoos? yethhhh I tink dats it.
[splash ...]
Zedstock--I'm going with it! See the next post! Thanks Sans!
Mel, you totally crack me up! flosap, haaahaa!
Tricia, shall I put on some coffee?? Tim Horton's okay? Keep your hands off those mounties!
Sorry jane. Yes, I'm still awake and listening to the great music.
First draft...
I came upon Frankie & Johnny
As they walked along the road
And I asked them, where are you going
And this they told me
We are stardust
We are golden
We are going to join a rock n roll band
To give us courage for the stand
We are stardust
We are golden
And we've got to get ourselves
To Zed's rose garden
Then can I walk beside you
I have come here to lose the smog
And I'd like to be a cog in something turning
Well maybe it is just the time of year
Or maybe it's the time of man
I don't know who l am
But you know life is for learning
We are stardust
We are golden
And we've got to get ourselves
To Zed's rose garden
By the time we got to Zedstock
We were half a million strong
And everywhere there was song and celebration
And I dreamed I saw the Mounties
Riding horses in the sky
And they were turning into butterflies
Above our great nations
We are stardust
Billion year old carbon
We are golden
Caught in the devils bargain
And we've got to get ourselves
To Zed's rose garden
I hear Tricia likes Canadian Geese-- I have few left in Minnesota that I'm sending her way!
You're one talented man Sans. I'm moving that to its own post. Thank you so much!
Nooooooooo no geeeeeeshhhh. I'll tell ya what. I send some to you! How's 'buotttt that?
Zed??? Where's that coffee?
My head is spinning ... I think someone put the green mushrooms in my beer. And uh I *might* have licked a purple mountie tattoo or maybe two.
Shhhhhhhhhhhh Chris is coming.
Chris! Chris! Tricia was licking a purple headed Mountain, no , I mean a purple Mountie head. no no, I mean a purple headed monster...Oh bugger....
I've got some Tim Horton's brewing Tricia. Coming up!
Don't anyone say anything about the mountie tattoos to Chris... not a word!
i can't stand up anymore and need to go rest for a while. I'll be on the balcony with the moose.
This is th eBEST partee Ive evr atended.
The Moose
I'll be flying down on Air Canada with the Trailer Park Boys!
Canadian Idiot - Weird Al Yankovic
Don't want to be a Canadian idiot
Dont want to be some beer swillin' hockey nut
And do I look like some frost bitten hosehead
I never learned my alphabet from "A" to "Zed"
They all live on donuts and moose meat
And they leave the house without packin' heat
Never even bring their guns to the mall
And you know what else is too funny
Their stupid monopoly money
Can't take 'em seriously at all
Well maple syrup and snow's what they export
They treat curling just like it's a real sport
They think their silly accent is so cute
Can't understand a thing they're talking aboot
Sure they got their national health care
Cheaper meds, low crime rates and clean air
Then again well they got Celine Dion
Eat their weight in Kraft macaroni
And dream of driving a zamboni
all over Saskatchewan
Don't want to be a Canadian idiot
Won't figure out the temperature in Celcius
See the map they're hovering right over us
Tell you the truth it makes me kinda nervous
Always hear the same kind of story
Break their nose and they'll just say sorry
Tell me what kind of freaks are that polite
It's gotta mean they're all up to something
So quick before they see it coming
time for a pre-emptive strike
C'mon down to Zedstock, Teena. You and the Trailer Park Boys are most welcome!
That Al Yankovic song is FABULOUS! Love it--he even worked my name into it! Molson? Black Sea Clamato drink? A moose? A mountie? Name it!
Captain Morgan dark rum with Diet Coke ... just like Julian ... pleez.
Nice place you've got here :)
Teena's got weird als video at her site:
It's pretty good.
And now I'm not the only Canadian blogger here, not that I felt alone or anything what with all the famous Canadians that are entertaining us, and those ones in Red that usually protect us.
Mmmmmm that coffee helped but I'm still feeling a buzz ... might do something crazy .. ...
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Look at ME!
I'm bare back Moose riding!
Anyone wanna come ice fishing with me? Let's go, eh?
I hope you've sobered up by now... Hold on tight Tricia!
Teena, that Weird Al song was fabulous. I'll go ice fishing if you'd like, if you promise not to push me in...
The moose brought me home! yeah I've recovered and I'm ready for the next party. :)
Hey, the moose was interested in ME!
Next Wednesdy is the Brazil Day party Tricia. Be there or be square.
Okay, I'm going back to sleep now. Honest. zzzz
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